How can I join the WhatsApp groups?

Click either link: Undergrads Postgrads

Where can I buy club membership?

You can buy a membership here.

What equipment do I need?

For your first indoor session:

  • Comfortable clothes
  • Rent climbing shoes at the climbing gym

To boulder:

  • Climbing shoes
  • Chalk bag / liquid chalk

To rope climb:

  • Harness
  • Belay device

Club members can borrow harnesses, ropes and belay devices from the club stores.

I’ve never climbed before, which indoor session should I come to?

Bouldering is a great way to start climbing! Come to WestWay on Wednesdays, or Ravenswall on Monday.

How can I get updates about club activities / trips ?

Join the WhatsApp groups, or subscribe to the mailing list here

What are the different types of climbing?

  • Free climbing: the climber uses only natural rock features to make upwards progress.
  • Aid climbing: the climber places equipment in the wall, and then pulls himself upwards with this equipment.

Free climbing exists in many forms:

  • Bouldering: no ropes, crash pads to land on
  • Top roping: roped, one person belays the climber using a rope fixed through the top of the wall.
  • Lead: roped, the climber clips the rope into the wall as they climb up.
  • Sport: outdoor lead climbing. The climber places quickdraws on bolts fixed in the rock, and clips his rope to the quickdraws.
  • Trad (traditional): outdoor lead climbing, but (generally) without fixed gear in the wall. The climber places nuts, hexes and cams (+ more exotic gear) in the rock and clips his rope in.
  • Winter: trad climbing, with ice axes and crampons in cold environments.
  • Alpine: light and fast winter climbing, used for larger objectives where speed is key.
  • Big Wall: multi-day ascents, can be done as free or aid climbing.

What equipment is available to borrow from the club stores?

Current members can borrow the following (non-exhaustive list):

  • Harness
  • Belay device
  • Bouldering pads
  • Guidebooks (mostly outdated, check the IC library for newer RockFax guidebooks)
  • Quickdraws (sport and trad)
  • Single ropes (gym length and outdoor lengths)
  • Half ropes
  • Triple-rated ropes
  • Dry treated winter ropes
  • Helmets
  • Trad equipment (nuts, hexes, cams, nut keys)
  • Aid climbing equipment
  • Hauling equipment (Pro-traxion, micro-traxion)
  • Portaledges (standard and inflatable)
  • Clip sticks (ultra-compact and long)
  • Ice axes (mostly technical)
  • Ice screws
  • Winter climbing boots (not recommended)
  • Snow pickets
  • Snow shovel
  • Emergency shelters
  • Tents (many, from 2 to 16 person)
  • Sleeping bags + mats (at your risk and peril)
  • Stoves (compact stoves, jetboil, large dual-hob stoves)
  • Camping crockery

Buying climbing equipment

The club generally organises 1 or 2 gear orders per year for club members, which give access to heavily discounted equipment/climbing shoes.

Until then, good deals can be found on entry level shoes / harnesses / belay devices from the following websites:

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