Featured image of post Easter Tour 2018

Easter Tour 2018

Sport climbing in Eastern Spain

country flag for ES

Member Attendees

Richard Metcalfe, Stuart McClune, Alex Smith, Charlotte Krishek, Kuran Pahwa, Hannah Nevill, Shan Pandya, Keeran Sivalingam, Nick Koukoulekidis, Mertcan Sevgi, Sean Barret, Suviti Chari.

Aims and objectives

To pull hard on the amazing rock climbs in the valleys surrounding Chulilla; a very popular, new climbing area in southern Spain. Many of the members had never climbed outdoors before so another aim was to teach them how to safely operate ropes and deal with the situations that arise from climbing outdoors.

Day 1

After a crazily early start (or all-nighter in the case of the members returning from the peak district trip) to catch the 7:30 flight to Valencia, the group managed to pull together enough psych to go and climb on the roadside crags in Chulilla. This gave the perfect taste of the week ahead, lovely limestone climbs, well bolted routes, and lots of laughter. A trip to the shops for cheap Spanish wine was undertaken. Food was also found, and the group enjoyed a warm evening inside before heading to bed early.

Suvi pulling hard

Suvi pulling hard

Day 2

After a breakfast of porridge (described as the most meagre portion of porridge ever by one member) the group headed to the crag. A nice morning in the shade was had, teaching people all of the key safety aspects of route cleaning and other such fun. Alex and Richard went off to climb a simple multipitch in the afternoon whilst the rest of the group climbed some more on the shorter walls before enjoying the cooling river and a slackline session. Alex and Richard were having way more fun as they had decided abseiling was lame, and they would walk off the top of their route. 3 hours later and an abseil through a bramble bush they get back onto the path, dehydrated and knackered. An enjoyable meal and bonding session was had in the evening.

Richard and Alex halfway up Orgasmatrón

Richard and Alex halfway up Orgasmatrón

Day 3

REST DayYYYY. The group headed to a different sector and had a nice morning of easy climbing to cure their hangovers. Lunch was had at an incredible swimming area with beautiful limestone caves hiding behind the waterfalls. The group then decided clothes were lame and posed for a centre fold picture. Some preceded to stay naked for a lot longer than was necessary. Supplies were gathered for another night and the group had an incredible BBQ before building a fire and spending the evening outside.

Richard on the route Eco-Dildo

Richard on the route Eco-Dildo

Day 4

A day jam packed with crushing, single and multi-pitch climbing along with some idiocy from the future president. Everyone was feeling refreshed and full of psych. Two groups headed off to try some multi pitch early in the morning. Richard and Hannah flew up their route whilst Charlotte and Shan dawdled up theirs. Everyone else climbed at a new crag, got very hot and then left in search of food. The group reassembled for lunch and then Alex, Stuart and Richard headed off to try something hard in the Sex-Shop sector. The aptly named Eco-Dildo was the route of choice and the three guys stayed late trying for the send. Richard was a moron and didn’t take any quickdraws with him so downclimbed the crux on his flash attempt before coming down screaming. Stuart then crushed and flashed a grade he’d never climbed before (what a wad). Alex was weak. Everyone reconvened at the house for a delicious Bolognese.

Incredible view up the Chulilla Gorge

Incredible view up the Chulilla Gorge

Day 5

It was the last day of climbing for the group; people were sad and exhausted. This didn’t stop them though. Stuart crushed again; flashing another 7a. Everyone pulled hard on routes and could be proud of what they achieved across the week. An early dinner of stir fry was had before another fire and more wine was enjoyed. Some youths were staying next door and at 4am Mert went full dad mode and told them to shut off the music. He also made the group sandwiches, which were incredible and well needed at the airport the following morning.

An enjoyable evening for all

An enjoyable evening for all

Day 6

Glassy eyed and a bit broken the group arose at 6am to travel home. At the airport the group wallowed in self-pity but no regrets at Burger King before boarding the flight back to London.

Cost Breakdown

Member Income£2382.48
ICU Funding£317
Food and drink£240
Car hire£300
Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy