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Winter tour 2015

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ICMC Winter Tour Report

Cairngorms 4th - 10 th Jan 2015

As has been the case for the last few years the club returned to the Cairngorms. Our usual accommodation just behind the train station in Aviemore was not available as the trip ran later in the year than usual. Instead we stayed in Nethy Bridge, about 20 minutes further away. The trip saw mild conditions turning colder as the week went on. Any routes that were completed were generally quite lean and icy!

Member Attendees

1 James Weale 2 Will Smith 3 Jo Robbings 4 Knut Holzner 5 Chris Norrie 6 Tom Penny 7 Charlie Penny 8 Nicolau Sarquis Aiex 9 Catherine Spilsbury 10 Jonathan Hazell 11 Sally Scourfield

Non Member Attendees


Day 1

Bought food on the way up in Glasgow, completed shop in a record time of 1 ¼ hrs! For the final leg of the journey Jo took ascended as DJ managing to carefully choose the best dramatic music resulting in the perfect ambiance as we approached our destination at 9pm.

Day 2

Very lean conditions, James, Will and Tom attempted Red Gully (II) but backed off because the ice that forms the back of the route turned into a stream! Headed over to Fiacaill Coulouir (III) which was a bit bare at the top but a brilliant route non-the less, they then dropped off back to the carpark down Fiacaill Ridge which was bare and in summer condition.

Nicolau honed his self arresting skills, Charlie lost his white helmet in the snow and Cat started her winter skills course with Cairngorm Adventure Guides.

Knut cooked us all an interesting German noodle dish, which was very very very filling. Went well with beer.

Day 3

Snow, snow everywhere, but not much to climb. Cat completed her first winter route with Sam her guide, Central Gully (I). Everybody else went up and round the back of Lochan topping out through The Couloir (I/II), we then headed over to Ben Macdui and then finally down the goat track. A brilliant day ended with some yummy carbonara which was mainly cream.

Knut having just negotiated the icy step in the middle of The Couloir (I/II)

Knut having just negotiated the icy step in the middle of The Couloir (I/II)

Cat half way up Central Gully (I)

Cat half way up Central Gully (I)

Day 4

A warmer day meant we headed back to Cummingstone on the Moray Coast, about an hours drive north. After a good experience last year we were not disappointed again, climbing the relatively short and welcoming crags on the coastline is welcome relief from being blasted by spindrift on the tops of the Cairngorm Plateau. A local, who we had met the previous day heading back to the car park, congratulated us on our decision to head to ‘Marvoulous Moray’ it seems to be the place to go when the weather turns a bit naff in the mountains. We had roast pork for dinner and filled the house with roast potatoes.

Some of us went for a swim.

Some of us went for a swim.

Jo on something overhung and cool.

Jo on something overhung and cool.

Day 5

Great conditions! We split the groups up a little as Cat had just finished her course and Georgia was joining us from Liverpool MC. Jo, James and Nicolau completed Red Gully (II) and found the torque nut that Will had left earlier in the week. Jon, Knut and Chris climbed the seam (IV), Tom Charlie and Sally climbed Central Gully and Will Georgia and Cat climbed the Runnel which was very icy at the top! All parties topped out a similar time and were back in the carpark by nightfall.

Chickpea and butternut squash curry for dinner.

Cat on the last pitch of The Runnel (II)

Cat on the last pitch of The Runnel (II)

Cat and Will topping out on The Runnel (II)

Cat and Will topping out on The Runnel (II)

A chilly Willy

A chilly Willy

Day 6

Everybody was a bit knackerd and the snow was melting, but a group of us headed over to Cairngorm Mountain and went sledging using survival bags. We also saw some reindeer! Secret santa ensued with £0 budget. The prolific Icy MC clothing range was expanded to new heights again this year! We cooked about 10 litres of fish pie for dinner.

Car park reindeer

Car park reindeer

Day 7

Poor conditions, extremely high winds (+130mph), and a warm outlook mean that we cut the trip short and headed home.

Financial Breakdown

Tiny profit due to some rounding errors in ticket income calculation. The low cost per head of just over £ 90 was due mainly to the accommodation being half the price it was last year and spending nearly more than £100 less on food (less cheese, alcohol and meat was purchased). The slightly higher tour allocation was also useful!

Club guide subsidy

  • Ticket income £1,013.
  • member guide subsidy £50.
  • Club guide subsidy £290.
  • IC Trust funding £604.
  • Total £1,957.


  • Accommodation £430.
  • Minibus Hire £588.
  • Guide £340.
  • Fuel £312.
  • Food £286.
  • Total £1,957.
Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy