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Yorkshire trip 2013

Snow Yorkshire

country flag for GB-ENG

By W.Smith

An excellent weekend of climbing was had by everybody on the trip spoilt only slightly by the onset of rain, snow, sleet and enormous amounts of wind on Sunday. For about half the members attending this was their first time climbing outside; the first half of Saturday was spent introducing them to safe gear placement, belaying with two ropes and how to set up an anchor.

In the Afternoon Dory was able to put this into practice, completing her first lead climb outdoors. Excellent choice of socks!

In the Afternoon Dory was able to put this into practice, completing her first lead climb outdoors. Excellent choice of socks!

The usual lunch of jam, chocolate spread and peanut butter sandwiches, was followed by more climbing with people trying grades ranging from severe to E2 and everything inbetween. More people went bouldering in the afternoon and once again the club was climbing into the dark!

Ben getting his foot impressively high, again in fantastic attire

Ben getting his foot impressively high, again in fantastic attire

A late night watching men pull buses and Die Hard 2 was followed on Sunday morning by a brief spell of climbing before rain and wind forced us to run back to the bus. Kip drove us home after lunch in the bus and we arrived early enough to pop into the union before it shut.

Here we see Kip managing effortlessly to stay awake despite Hamzah’s undoubtedly riveting conversation.

Here we see Kip managing effortlessly to stay awake despite Hamzah’s undoubtedly riveting conversation.

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